Remember that donors need you and vice versa.

Non-profit leaders, remember that donors need you and vice versa. They have goals and need an organization like yours, and a leader like you, to translate their dollars into impact.

Having an emotional connection with your donors at the event is key. So, it’s really not about the numbers. Instead, make an emotional impact on your donors.

Engage Board members and donors and allow them to get to know your team. Share experiences about the good results of the efforts put forth. When you’re meeting donors, allow them to feel inspired by sharing stories that prove the impact they’ve had on other people’s lives. That’s what fundraising is about.

And remember, everyone appreciates being thanked.

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Showing Value to your Donor

Start with your client. Ask the organization questions like: Why are we here? What are we supporting? How will the money be used? What is the impact of the partnership and long-term plan? These sorts of questions will let an auction professional gain the knowledge necessary to become an ambassador for the organization rather than just serve as a talking head asking for money.

Create an environment of mutual respect, openness, acceptance and appreciation for shared values. The better our donors and Board understand what our challenges and successes are, the more helpful they can be.

Connect the dots, and spread the love; tell people about how their impact has spread (ex: tell CEO about IT director’s contribution). Make them part of a movement!